package aws

The aws package contains idiomatic Scala facades for CloudFront, ElasticTranscoder, IAM, Lambda, Polly, Rekognizer, Route53, SNS and SQS.

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. aws
  2. SQSImplicits
  3. SNSImplicits
  4. S3Implicits
  5. IAMImplicits
  6. ETImplicits
  7. CFImplicits
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract final class AclEnum extends Enum[AclEnum]
  2. case class Arn (arnString: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Typical value: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:031372724784:transcoderComplete

  3. trait CFImplicits extends AnyRef
  4. implicit class RichDistributionSummary extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  5. class CloudFront extends CFImplicits with S3Implicits
  6. trait CloudFrontAlias extends AnyRef
  7. case class Credentials (awsAccountName: String, accessKey: String, secretKey: String) extends BasicAWSCredentials with Product with Serializable
  8. trait ETImplicits extends AnyRef
  9. implicit class RichPipeline extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  10. class ElasticTranscoder extends AnyRef
  11. class ExceptTrace extends Exception with NoStackTrace
  12. class IAM extends AnyRef
  13. trait IAMImplicits extends AnyRef
  14. implicit class RichIAMUser extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  15. class Lambda extends AnyRef
  16. trait LambdaImplicits extends AnyRef
  17. class Polly extends AnyRef
  18. trait PollyImplicits extends AnyRef
  19. class Rekognition extends AnyRef
  20. trait RekognitionImplicits extends AnyRef
  21. implicit class RichException extends AnyRef
  22. class Route53 extends AnyRef
  23. class S3 extends AnyRef

    Optimized for read-mostly AWS S3 buckets; uses caching to speed access.

    Optimized for read-mostly AWS S3 buckets; uses caching to speed access. To clear the caches after a invoking method that caches its response, either the app must be restarted or the clearCaches method must be called. Methods that are cached are denoted by cached.

    When uploading, any leading slashes for keys are removed because when AWS S3 is enabled for a web site, S3 adds a leading slash.

    Keys of assets that were uploaded by other clients might start with leading slashes, or a dash; those assets can not be fetched by web browsers.

    When web site access to an S3 bucket is enabled, AWS content is accessed by paths constructed by concatenating the URL, a slash (/), and the keyed data. The keys must therefore consist of relative paths (relative directory name followed by a file name), and must not start with a leading slash. awslib_scala stores each file name (referred to by AWS as a key) without a leading slash. For example, assuming that the default file name is index.html, then and are translated to

    As another example, the key for a file in a directory called <WEBROOT>/blah/ick/yuck.html is defined as blah/ick/yuck.html.

    AWS does not respect the last-modified metadata provided when uploading; it uses the upload timestamp instead. After uploading, the last-modified timestamp of the uploaded file is read and applied to the local copy of the file so the timestamps match.

    Java on Windows does not handle last-modified properly, so the creation date is set to the last-modified date for files (Windows only).

    For each directory, AWS creates a file of the same name, with the suffix _$folder$. If one of those files are deleted, the associated directory becomes unreachable. Don't mess with them. These hidden files are ignored by awslib_scala; users never see them because they are for AWS S3 internal use only.

  24. trait S3Implicits extends AnyRef
  25. implicit class RichBucket extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  26. implicit class RichBucketIAM extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  27. class SNS extends AnyRef
  28. trait SNSImplicits extends AnyRef
  29. implicit class RichString extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  30. implicit class RichTopic extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  31. class SQS extends AnyRef
  32. trait SQSImplicits extends AnyRef
  33. case class StaticCFAlias (cname: String) extends CloudFrontAlias with Product with Serializable
  34. case class StreamingCFAlias (cname: String) extends CloudFrontAlias with Product with Serializable
  35. case class Subscription (arn: Arn) extends Product with Serializable
  36. class UploadPostV2 extends AnyRef

    Heavy computation for preparing upload, mostly having to do with security.

    Heavy computation for preparing upload, mostly having to do with security. The AIM user on whose behalf the upload is performed is determined from the AWS access key ID in the implicit AWSCredentials instance.

Value Members

  1. lazy val awsCredentials: AWSCredentials
  2. def guessContentType(key: String): String
  3. def jsonPrettyPrint(awsObject: AnyRef): String

    Helpful for debugging AWS requests and responses

  4. def removeOuterParens(string: String): String
  5. def uuid: String

    UUID / GUID generator

  6. object BucketPolicy

    Convenience methods which created a bucket with the given bucketName, enables web site and CORS, and sets the bucket policy so the owner can upload.

    Convenience methods which created a bucket with the given bucketName, enables web site and CORS, and sets the bucket policy so the owner can upload. You may want to write similar code that generates a policy that follows AWS best practices instead.

  7. object RichDistribution
    Definition Classes
  8. object CloudFront
  9. object ElasticTranscoder
  10. object ExceptTrace extends Serializable
  11. object IAM
  12. object Lambda
  13. object Polly
  14. object Rekognition
  15. object S3
  16. object SNS
  17. object SQS
  18. object UploadPostV2 extends S3Implicits with CFImplicits

    The implicit AmazonIdentityManagementClient instance determines the AIM user based on the AWS access key ID in the implicit AWSCredentials instance in scope.

Inherited from SQSImplicits

Inherited from SNSImplicits

Inherited from S3Implicits

Inherited from IAMImplicits

Inherited from ETImplicits

Inherited from CFImplicits

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
