This project is an idiomatic Scala wrapper around Web3J for Ethereum.
This project is an idiomatic Scala wrapper around Web3J for Ethereum.
This project is built with Scala 2.12, and requires the Java 8 runtime; it is not yet compatible with Java 9.
This project promotes idiomatic Scala in the following ways:
and get
prefixes are not used.
This means some properties do not have exactly the same name as their Web3J counterpart.The Ethereum JSON-RPC documentation was the source of many the comments incorporated into this Scaladoc.
The JSON-RPC default block parameter
can represent a QUANTITY
or a TAG
Quantities are expressed as integer block numbers, and tags are strings with one of the values "latest", "earliest" or "pending".
The Java implementation
performs the same function as the underlying JSON-RPC implementation.
Whisper is an experimental communication protocol of the Ethereum P2P protocol suite that allows for messaging between users' DApps (Ethereum Distributed Applications). Whisper uses the same network that the blockchain runs on. The protocol is separate from the blockchain, so smart contracts do not have access to whispered messages.
and its internal types such as
TransactionObject and
are returned by the following methods of com.micronautics.web3j.EthereumSynchronous and com.micronautics.web3j.EthereumASynchronous:
, blockByNumber
, uncleByBlockHashAndIndex
, uncleByBlockNumberAndIndex